- Brand perception research
- Brand, channel and social media audits
- Surveys - Community sentiment, Customer/client feedback, Employee consultation
- Focus groups
- In-depth interviews
- Desk research – industry trends, media search, competitor analysis
- Workshops
- Functional reviews of communications departments
At Clarity, we leverage the collective expertise of our communication, strategy, brand and design teams to provide a full range of services.
From addressing single issues to tackling complex challenges, our integrated approach ensures tailored solutions for optimal outcomes.
We use market intelligence, business insights and research to find out how audiences think and feel, how they communicate, what motivates them and how your business is relevant to them.
Research and insights form the backbone of strong communications and branding. We work with our clients to pull together a wide range of sources to analyse brand perception, audience motivations and behaviours, and the effectiveness of specific marketing activity.
We utilise a variety of sources, tools, and methodologies to ensure our solutions are evidence led, informed by the latest thinking, and aligned with business strategy, vision and direction.
We create and deliver communication and engagement strategies that deliver against business objectives, consider market conditions and meet stakeholder needs.
Amid community expectations, environmental impacts, ever-shifting regulatory requirements and the rise of social media, organisations must be equipped to communicate and consult with a wide range of stakeholders.
We work with clients to find the most effective ways to reach and connect with those stakeholders, ensuring your organisation will have the greatest influence and impact.
We work with clients to ensure their brand strategy provides a strategic point of reference which guides and ensures all communications and touchpoints reflect who you are to the outside world.
Telling a powerful brand story creates an opportunity for your company to express its vision and values, helping your audiences build strong connections to your brand that extend far beyond product and service.
Branding is key to communicating a clear message that your audience can easily recognise. We help position our clients for long term growth by bringing brand strategy and purpose to life.
We advise and work with clients on how to protect their reputation and relationships through positive communication and promotion, while proactively addressing issues likely to impact their commercial success.
Communication plays a pivotal role in building brands and sustaining reputation, both internally and externally. It’s not just what you communicate, but who, when and how.
From helping organisations navigate the challenges of change to attracting and retaining top talent, we ask the right questions to deliver an integrated approach, strategic advice, and practical, purposeful communication.
Our team of in-house designers brings your corporate identity to life, ensuring the look and feel of your organisation is clearly and simply conveyed.
As we rapidly evolve towards a more visual world, how your company represents itself has taken on a new level of importance.
Through design-led creative thinking we focus on what makes your business distinctive, different and desirable, ensuring you stand out from your competitors.
- Communications strategy
- Change communications
- Community and stakeholder engagement
- Employee communications, retention and attraction
- Culture building
- Research and insights
- Articulating purpose
- Strategy and positioning
- Brand naming and architecture
- Narrative
- Employer brand, engagement and recruitment
- Media relations
- Content and copywriting
- Social media
- Issues management
- Employee/internal communications
- Crisis communications
- Media and presentation training
- Brand design
- Competitor analysis
- Concepting
- Identity development
- Visual language
- Style Guide
- Graphic Design
- Print and publications
- Digital
- Environmental and wayfinding
- Campaign development